
I left Australia on 2 February 2014 for a 10 month budget journey around Latin America with my partner Tristan. We’re visiting his family across California for a few weeks at either end and hope to experience as much as time and money will allow in between. We quit our jobs and here we are!


I’m still learning about how to use this site, so please bear with me while I learn and make changes as I go! My internet access relies on wifi which isn’t always steady, so it may take a while to get the blog and pages up to date, up to scratch and with photos from my camera rather than my phone.

I aim to use this blog not so much as a daily journal (clearly), but to record and share my photos and feelings about the place, people, culture and of course the food! I do love my food. I’ll also do the odd review of a hostel, bar etc. Any prices will be roughly calculated in Aussie dollars.

If I’m somewhere for long enough and they have yoga, I’ll go to a class or more and review them. Back in Melbourne, I practiced barkan method yoga at Yoga Flame in Essendon. It was a lovely mental and physical constant for over three years so I want to keep connected. I never was disciplined enough for a home practice, so it definitely won’t happen while travelling!

If a topic takes my interest and is too detailed or distracting (aka potentially boring) for the general blog, I’ll write about it on this page. I studied Cultural and Feminist Anthropology and Sociology and worked with Indigenous and multicultural communities in Melbourne, but I’m no expert and always stand to be corrected.

More for my memory, I’ll keep note of what I’m reading. I really think that what you’re reading shapes how you think and write at the time, so it might be interesting to notice if that happens. Since 2 February I’ve read four books, so it might be long! I’m not capable of passing books on when I’m done (even though I know I should) so the bag is getting heavy and the post may get costly. We’ll see how long that lasts!

I’ll post pics within posts but so as not to clog it up, I hope to start a photo gallery.

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